Archive for July, 2008

School songs

July 26, 2008

Thank you Alexandra for this comment:  “This boy in my class called Alex made this song up! It is really cool!

No more school! No more school! No more sitting on the old school wall!
No more English! No more french! No more sitting on the old school bench!”

This comment got me thinking.  I think this may be a traditional end of school chant.  Does anyone remember this one or other songs or chants from the playground?  It would be very interesting to hear from a range of age groups, school pupils, parents, grandparents…   And what about playground games?

Message to all children from Mrs Swale!

July 24, 2008

As I am leaving my job as Lower School Leader this week, I would just like to say that St Mark’s is a fantastic school to work in and it has been a real pleasure to teach such great children.

I am retiring from my job because I want to spend more time with my family and help my elderly father, but if all goes well, I might also be able to do some supply teaching at St Mark’s next term.

I have been teaching for thirty five years and if you count the time I was at school (east Harnham School and then South Wilts, followed by college in Exeter) I have actually been in school/education for fifty one years  That’s a very long time, so it’s definitely time for me to take a break!

Retiring doesn’t mean putting your feet up and reading the paper!  I am going to brush up on my French, do lots of sewing, walk and cycle a lot and hopefully more swimming.  All this to think about and look after my family and possibly do some supply work.

Moving on is always quite sad, but equally exciting.  I look at it like chapters in a book and moving to the next chapter brings different challenges, opportunities and hopes.

I will be visiting St. Mark’s quite often and I hope certainly to see the Lower School Christmas Production.  This is just one of the many events I will particularly miss.

One of my projects for the Summer Holiday is to make a new cloth for the table at the front of the Hall in Assembly, so when I have finished it I will come into Assembly one afternoon in September with Mrs Wraight and present it to the school.  I already have one or two good ideas about its design.

I will stay in contact and definitely keep you updated with any news on the Blog.  Have a great holiday everyone and remember to work hard in September for your new teacher!

Mrs Swale

The Seven Sided Dice

July 16, 2008

Well done to year 6 on a great performance! We would love to hear from any members of the audience who attended either night.  Leave your comments below.

ARKive – celebrating the living world.

July 9, 2008

ARKive is (in their own words) “a unique collection of thousands of videos, images and fact-files illustrating the world’s species.”  The site has a video introduction by David Attenborough and sections on Endangered Species and British Species.  The website is continually expanding and is an excellent place to look for information about our wonderful world’s wildlife.